Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: Messier 27Other name: NGC 6853
RA: 19h 59.6m DEC: +22° 43'
Constellation: VUL
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 7.3
Size: 480'' x 340''
Surface brightness: 11.2
Brightest star: 14.1
Classification: 3(2)
Description: !!vB,vL,bi-N,IE,Dumbbell Neb
Notes: PK60-3.1,Lord Rosse drew 18* invl
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Tähtikallio, Artjärvi, Finland
Date: 20/21.9.2009 22:20
Instrument: Newton 910/3640 mm
Magnification: 280xFilter: O-III
Field: 15'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.7
Visuality: IHeight: 50°
Weather: +10°C
Description: I used a 13 mm Baader Hyperion which gave 280x with a 15 arc-minute field. M27 fills the whole field with this combination and the view is unbelievable! The familiar dumbbell-shape is gone and the major axis has been turned 90 degrees compared the view of small telescope. Central area is very bright and it's difficult to detach faint structures inside the glow. O-III filter is the right aid for this object. Everything becomes much sharper. It's almost impossible to sketch all small details which are in view with the averted vision. The coolest details are in the ''wings'', that contain several fibrous structures.
Updated: 22.9.2009 21:48
Name: Messier 27Other name: NGC 6853
RA: 19h 59.6m DEC: +22° 43'
Constellation: VUL
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 7.3
Size: 480'' x 340''
Surface brightness: 11.2
Brightest star: 14.1
Classification: 3(2)
Description: !!vB,vL,bi-N,IE,Dumbbell Neb
Notes: PK60-3.1,Lord Rosse drew 18* invl
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Tähtikallio, Artjärvi, Finland
Date: 22/23.9.2006 1:35
Instrument: Catadioptric 406/4064 mm
Magnification: 308xFilter: -
Field: 13'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 6.4
Visuality: IHeight: 30°
Weather: +10°C
Description: A hurried sketch of Dumbbel Nebula at 16'' Meade LX 200 GPS on the wet paper. I think the awful sketch tells everything...
Updated: 24.10.2006 22:17
Name: Messier 27Other name: NGC 6853
RA: 19h 59.6m DEC: +22° 43'
Constellation: VUL
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 7.3
Size: 480'' x 340''
Surface brightness: 11.2
Brightest star: 14.1
Classification: 3(2)
Description: !!vB,vL,bi-N,IE,Dumbbell Neb
Notes: PK60-3.1,Lord Rosse drew 18* invl
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Härskiänsaari, Ruokolahti, Finland
Date: 4/5.9.2004 22:50
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 107xFilter: -
Field: 28'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 4NE lim mag: 5.5
Visuality: IIHeight: 50°
Weather: +9°C, 63% moon up on east
Description: Dumbbell Nebula looks like a full ellipse with averted vision. Hourglass shape is visible with direct vision. Brightenings in SW and NE corners. Central star was never seen. Two stars are involving with nebula.
Updated: 6.9.2004 21:08
Name: Messier 27Other name: NGC 6853
RA: 19h 59.6m DEC: +22° 43'
Constellation: VUL
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 7.3
Size: 480'' x 340''
Surface brightness: 11.2
Brightest star: 14.1
Classification: 3(2)
Description: !!vB,vL,bi-N,IE,Dumbbell Neb
Notes: PK60-3.1,Lord Rosse drew 18* invl
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Lakasenpelto, Imatra, Finland
Date: 25/26.8.2001 23:10
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 244xFilter: Celestron LPR
Field: 13'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 5.7
Visuality: IHeight: 0°
Weather: Clear, +7°C
Description: M27:ää on lähes mahdotonta kuvata sanoilla, kohde täytyy nähdä itse kaukoputkella. Piirrokseen on mahdoton vangita sen loistoa. Katsoin kohdetta 244 -kertaisella suurennuksella Celestronin LPR -suotimen kera. M27 täyttää melkein koko näkökentän. Tuttu nostopainon muoto oli helposti havaittavissa. Eteläisen puntin läntinen osa on selvästi sumun kirkkain osa. Toinen selvästi muuta sumua kirkkaampi alue on pohjoisen puntin koilliskulmalla. Keskustähden alueella sumu on selvästi himmeämpi kuin punteissa. Keskustähti näkyikin todella helposti. Suotimen ansiosta sumun himmeimmätkin osat tulivat syrjäsilmällä näkyviin. Punttien päistä lähtevät varret koskettivat toisiaan sumun kummallakin puolella, mikä teki sumusta lähes täydellisen ellipsin. Sumun sisällä näkyi keskustähden lisäksi monia muitakin tähtiä.
Updated: 3.2.2003 12:33
Name: Messier 27Other name: NGC 6853
RA: 19h 59.6m DEC: +22° 43'
Constellation: VUL
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 7.3
Size: 480'' x 340''
Surface brightness: 11.2
Brightest star: 14.1
Classification: 3(2)
Description: !!vB,vL,bi-N,IE,Dumbbell Neb
Notes: PK60-3.1,Lord Rosse drew 18* invl
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Lakasenpelto, Imatra, Finland
Date: 23/24.9.1998 23:50
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 96xFilter: -
Field: 25'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: -
Visuality: -Height: 0°
Weather: -
Description: Diffuusi, melko selkeät rajat. Erottui helposti, keskustähti ei näkynyt.
Updated: 17.2.2003 13:43