Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: PK 197-14.1 (Abell 10)Other name: Abell 10
RA: 5h 31.8m DEC: +6° 56'
Constellation: ORI
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 12.7
Size: 34''
Surface brightness: 12.8
Brightest star: 19.5
Classification: 3
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Härskiänsaari, Ruokolahti, Finland
Date: 5/6.1.2008 23:40
Instrument: Newton 457/2280 mm
Magnification: 457xFilter: -
Field: 9'Seeing: 5
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.5
Visuality: IIIHeight: 33°
Weather: -14°C
Description: This planetary nebula is only a bright disk with hazy edges in this (poor) seeing at 457x. It could be possible to see some structure in better seeing.
Updated: 26.1.2008 21:32