Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 2899Other name: PK 277-3.1
RA: 9h 27.1m DEC: -56° 6'
Constellation: VEL
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 12.2
Size: 2.0'
Surface brightness: 13.1
Brightest star: 15.9
Description: F,pL,R,gmbM,am 80st
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Bootenal Rd, Greenough, Australia
Date: 21/22.12.2009 0:00
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 124xFilter: UHC
Field: 33'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 6.8
Visuality: IVHeight: 42°
Weather: +18°C, moist, clouds
Description: A pretty faint roundish nebula which is difficultly visible without the filters. O-III is good with low power but UHC is better with higher power.
Updated: 3.9.2010 22:08
Name: NGC 2899Other name: PK 277-3.1
RA: 9h 27.1m DEC: -56° 6'
Constellation: VEL
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 12.2
Size: 2.0'
Surface brightness: 13.1
Brightest star: 15.9
Description: F,pL,R,gmbM,am 80st
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Tocodoman, Gran Canary, Spain
Date: 3/4.2.2005 0:40
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 214xFilter: -
Field: 14'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.5
Visuality: -Height: 5°
Weather: +10°C, windy
Description: This was very low in the horizon. I assumed that NGC 2899 is a stellar so I sketched this field, but when I compared the sketch with a photograph, I discerned that I haven't seen the object at all.
Updated: 5.3.2005 22:39