Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 80 AreaOther name: UGC 203
RA: 0h 21.2m DEC: +22° 21'
Constellation: AND
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 12.1
Size: 2.2' x 2'
Surface brightness: 13.2
Classification: E-SO
Description: F,S,R,psbM
Notes: Brightest in group
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Härskiänsaari, Ruokolahti, Finland
Date: 3/4.12.2004 18:55
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 146xFilter: deepsky
Field: 12'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 6.2
Visuality: IVHeight: 50°
Weather: -15°C
Description: I call this field ''NGC 80 area''. There are 15 galaxies which are brighter than 16 mag in 22' area. This is a heart of this galaxy group. Two round galaxies in NW field are NGC 80 (12.2 mag) and NGC 83 (12.6 mag). They are the brightest and easiest members of this group, NGC 83 is almost involved with a little star triangle. Other three galaxies are much harder than these two. An elongated galaxy NGC 90 (13.8 mag) has a low surface brightness, no clear core or other details, it is visible only with averted vision. Lonely galaxy in the south is PGC 1396 (15.8 mag). It is the faintest galaxy in the this field. I confirmed it at 244x. NGC 93 (13.6 mag) is a very small, but surprisingly bright galaxy in the east, beside three 14 mag stars. NGC 82 and NGC 91 are stars.
Updated: 10.12.2004 18:00