Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: Palomar 2
RA: 4h 46.1m DEC: +31° 23'
Constellation: AUR
Type: Globular cluster
Magnitude: 13
Size: 1.9'
Classification: IX
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Tähtikallio, Artjärvi, Finland
Date: 26/27.9.2008 2:15
Instrument: Newton 300/1500 mm
Magnification: 176xFilter: -
Field: 23'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.7
Visuality: IIIHeight: 0°
Weather: +5°C
Description: I observed this faint globular few years ago with an 18'' Dobson and described it ''brighter than I expected''. Now I got the same feeling again with a 12'' GSO at 176x. It didn't cause any problems to detach a faint roundish patch alongside two 14 mag stars.
Updated: 3.11.2008 20:56
Name: Palomar 2
RA: 4h 46.1m DEC: +31° 23'
Constellation: AUR
Type: Globular cluster
Magnitude: 13
Size: 1.9'
Classification: IX
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Härskiänsaari, Ruokolahti, Finland
Date: 21/22.11.2004 4:00
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 146xFilter: -
Field: 21'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 6.1
Visuality: IIIHeight: 46°
Weather: -14°C
Description: Low surface brightness but still much brighter than I expected. Appears as a roundish glow which has no details or granularity. The core might be little brighter but I'm not sure about it.
Updated: 25.11.2004 18:55