Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 103Other name: OCL 291
RA: 0h 25.3m DEC: +61° 19'
Constellation: CAS
Type: Open cluster
Magnitude: 9.8
Size: 5.0'
Number of stars: 30
Brightest star: 12.3
Classification: II 2 p
Description: Cl,pS,pC,st 11...18
Notes: In Cas OB4
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Härskiänsaari, Ruokolahti, Finland
Date: 3/4.11.2004 21:10
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 244xFilter: -
Field: 12'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 4NE lim mag: 6
Visuality: IIHeight: 87°
Weather: +3°C, windy, 63% Moon is rising in NE
Description: Compressed and strongly elongated in S-N direction. Several faint members are in the middle. The brightest stars are 11 mag but mainly 13 mag and fainter.
Updated: 8.11.2004 20:51