Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: Messier 31Other name: NGC 224
RA: 0h 42.7m DEC: +41° 16'
Constellation: AND
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 3.4
Size: 189.1' x 61.7'
PA: 35°
Surface brightness: 13.5
Classification: Sb
Description: !!!eeB,eL,vmE
Notes: Local Group,Andromeda Galaxy,nearest spiral
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Härskiänsaari, Ruokolahti, Finland
Date: 11/12.10.2004 23:25
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 46xFilter: -
Field: 59'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.5
Visuality: IHeight: 68°
Weather: +0°C, good
Description: Huge and bright galaxy at 46x! The core is compact and almost stellar. Two bright belts are in the foreground. The first belt is quite clear but second is visible only with averted vision. At this magnification there is not much other details in view. Several stars are on the galaxy. M32 is a little but bright haze in the south part of the field.
Updated: 22.10.2004 15:03