Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: Messier 42Other name: NGC 1976
RA: 5h 35.3m DEC: -5° 23'
Constellation: ORI
Type: Cluster + nebulosity
Magnitude: 4
Size: 90' x 60'
Surface brightness: 11
Classification: E+R
Description: !!!,Theta Orionis and the great nebula M42
Notes: Trapezium* 6.7-7.7m,>50 var* invl,M 43 to NE
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Tocodoman, Gran Canary, Spain
Date: 1/2.2.2005 23:15
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 47xFilter: UHC
Field: 64'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.5
Visuality: IHeight: 50°
Weather: +10°C, windy
Description: Amazing field at 47x and UHC-filter. The Orion Nebula was 50ø above the horizon and that affects a lot. The trapezium zone was very bright, there are some darker areas visible such Sinus Gentlii and Sinus Magnus. The eastern wisp is brighter and better defined than western. It's also much sharper. There were a lot of faint nebulae on the west side of the main-nebula, also some brighter areas were visible with averted vision. M43 is quite small droplet on north-side.
Updated: 5.3.2005 22:46
Name: Messier 42Other name: NGC 1976
RA: 5h 35.3m DEC: -5° 23'
Constellation: ORI
Type: Cluster + nebulosity
Magnitude: 4
Size: 90' x 60'
Surface brightness: 11
Classification: E+R
Description: !!!,Theta Orionis and the great nebula M42
Notes: Trapezium* 6.7-7.7m,>50 var* invl,M 43 to NE
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Lakasenpelto, Imatra, Finland
Date: 10/11.2.2004 21:10
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 244xFilter: deepsky
Field: 12'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 4NE lim mag: 5
Visuality: IHeight: 24°
Weather: Weather: Typical Finnish winterweather, -17°C
Description: The Great Nebula of Orion is probably the best known deepsky-object in the sky. This is a classical field of the trapezium zone through 16'' telescope with 244x and Lumicon deepskyfilter. Whole field is full of nebulosity and several details are easily in view. The nebula is so bright that it kills your dark adaption. Conditions were quite poor but the object was still belief. I saw only four stars in trapezium. Sinus Magnus is a huge canal which is bounded by bright nebula. Sinus Gentilii is anorther clear dark zone. The most beautiful area is Regio Huygeniana with its fibrous details. Few stars are involved with nebula.
Updated: 14.2.2004 18:18
Name: Messier 42 +surroundingsOther name: NGC 1976
RA: 5h 35.3m DEC: -5° 23'
Constellation: ORI
Type: Cluster + nebulosity
Magnitude: 4
Size: 90' x 60'
Surface brightness: 11
Classification: E+R
Description: !!!,Theta Orionis and the great nebula M42
Notes: Trapezium* 6.7-7.7m,>50 var* invl,M 43 to NE
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Base del Teide (2280m), Tenerife, Spain
Date: 19/20.4.2004 22:33
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 20xFilter: -
Field: 134'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 7
Visuality: IIHeight: 15°
Weather: +11°C, thin highclouds
Description: Unbelievable field with 40mm eyepiece and 20x! M42 is a huge nebula in the middle and three other nebulae are also easily visible. A ''drop'' structure is visible in M43 even at this magnification. In the north (upper-left) there is an open cluster NGC 1977 and a bright nebula Sh-279. The nebula can be seen with averted vision without any trouble. A nebula in the south part in field belongs to open cluster NGC 1980.
Updated: 15.5.2004 14:05
Name: Messier 42Other name: NGC 1976
RA: 5h 35.3m DEC: -5° 23'
Constellation: ORI
Type: Cluster + nebulosity
Magnitude: 4
Size: 90' x 60'
Surface brightness: 11
Classification: E+R
Description: !!!,Theta Orionis and the great nebula M42
Notes: Trapezium* 6.7-7.7m,>50 var* invl,M 43 to NE
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Date: 2/3.1.2003 23:45
Instrument: Binoculars 15x50
Magnification: 15xFilter: -
Field: 0'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 5
Visuality: IHeight: 0°
Weather: +20°C
Description: Vaikea havaita ilman jalustaa, sillä kohde on yli 50 asteen korkeudella. Sumun tuttu muoto on helposti havaittavissa vaikkakin itse sumusta ei näy kuin kirkkaimmat osat valosaasteesta johtuen. Sinus Magnus näkyy vaivatta, myöskin sumun ''siivet'' erottuvat melko hyvin. Trapetsin alue on selvästi kirkkain osa. M43 näkyy pohjoispuolella melko vaatimattomana sumuisena tähtenä.
Updated: 3.2.2003 12:23
Name: Messier 42Other name: NGC 1976
RA: 5h 35.3m DEC: -5° 23'
Constellation: ORI
Type: Cluster + nebulosity
Magnitude: 4
Size: 90' x 60'
Surface brightness: 11
Classification: E+R
Description: !!!,Theta Orionis and the great nebula M42
Notes: Trapezium* 6.7-7.7m,>50 var* invl,M 43 to NE
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Lakasenpelto, Imatra, Finland
Date: 25/26.2.2000 20:45
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 54xFilter: -
Field: 47'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 5
Visuality: -Height: 0°
Weather: -17°C
Description: Sumu oli ohittanut jo etelämeridiaanin, mutta oli silti havaittavissa kohtalaisesti. Valosaaste häiritsi todella paljon, kun olin tottunut edellisillan melkein maaseutu olosuhteisiin. Rajamagnitudi oli nyt valojen keskellä viisi, seeing 2, TT3, transparency 3, ilmassa jonkin verran jäähilettä ja pakkasta 17astetta. Sumu näkyi kuitenkin melko mukavasti, kuten yleensä, heikoimmat osat olivat valosaasteen takia näkymättömissä, mutta jotain oli kuitenkin näkyvissä. Trapetsissa näkyi neljä tähteä ja sen kohdalle ulottuva tumma ''laguuni'' oli eritäin selvä ja terävä reunainen. Trapetsista etelään oli hieman himmeämpi juova ja siitä vielä etelään oli kirkastuma. Sumun ''siivet'' näkyivät heikkoina ulokkeina, jotka katosivat hiljakseen taustataivaan loistoon. Sumun sisällä näkyi Trapetsin lisäksi joitakin yksittäisiä tähtiä. Samassa kentässä oleva M43 näkyi heikkona hehkuna sitä valaisevan tähden ympärillä, erityistä muotoa ei voinut erottaa.
Updated: 17.2.2003 13:47