Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 5139 (Omega Centauri)Other name: Omega Centauri
RA: 13h 26.8m DEC: -47° 29'
Constellation: CEN
Type: Globular cluster
Magnitude: 3.7
Size: 36.3'
Classification: VIII
Description: !!!eL,B,eRi,vvC
Notes: Stars mags 11...,finest globular,magnificent object
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Base del Teide (2280m), Tenerife, Spain
Date: 16/17.4.2004 0:00
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 64xFilter: -
Field: 47'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.9
Visuality: IHeight: 11°
Weather: +5°C
Description: Superb! Thousands of stars visible with direct vision down to the core. Several brighter areas in west- and eastside. Elliptical in W-E direction.
Updated: 15.5.2004 14:03