Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: IC 4406Other name: PK 319+15.1
RA: 14h 22.4m DEC: -44° 9'
Constellation: LUP
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 11
Size: 100'' x 37''
Surface brightness: 9.1
Brightest star: 17.4
Classification: 4(3)
Description: E 80 deg
Notes: Annular,N2-- Stellar ?,pB diffused disk 20"--Hartung
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Pico de la Nieve (1900 m), La Palma, Spain
Date: 3/4.4.2008 2:30
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 230xFilter: -
Field: 21'Seeing: 5
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.9
Visuality: IIHeight: 15°
Weather: +8°C, strong wind
Description: Strong wind and bad seeing, perfect combination to planetary hunting. IC 4406 is elongated in SW-NE direction and is brighter in the middle. The west edge is bit longer than eastern which makes nebula asymmetric.
Updated: 17.6.2008 19:52
Name: IC 4406Other name: PK 319+15.1
RA: 14h 22.4m DEC: -44° 9'
Constellation: LUP
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 11
Size: 100'' x 37''
Surface brightness: 9.1
Brightest star: 17.4
Classification: 4(3)
Description: E 80 deg
Notes: Annular,N2-- Stellar ?,pB diffused disk 20"--Hartung
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Base del Teide (2280m), Tenerife, Spain
Date: 18/19.4.2004 0:40
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 107xFilter: -
Field: 28'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 7
Visuality: IIHeight: 13°
Weather: +9°C, dry and good
Description: Diffuse disk, diameter about 25''. Center is brighter.
Updated: 15.5.2004 12:58