Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: IC 2182
RA: 7h 14m DEC: +18° 55'
Constellation: GEM
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 15
Size: 30'' x 30''
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Lakasenpelto, Imatra, Finland
Date: 20/21.12.2003 0:20
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 146xFilter: deepsky
Field: 21'Seeing: 4
Background sky: 4NE lim mag: 5
Visuality: IVHeight: 46°
Weather: -12°C
Description: Very faint circular galaxy which is visible only with averted vision. It must be brighter than 15.8 mag because it was visible in these conditions. My own estimate is 14 mag.
Updated: 21.12.2003 18:13