Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: Messier 101Other name: NGC 5457
RA: 14h 3.2m DEC: +54° 21'
Constellation: UMA
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 7.9
Size: 28.5' x 28.3'
Surface brightness: 14.9
Classification: SBc
Description: pB,vL,iR,g,vsmbM,BSN
Notes: P w NGC 5474,SN 1909,spir galax w one heavy arm,B knot E
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Tähtikallio, Artjärvi, Finland
Date: 24/25.9.2011 23:00
Instrument: Newton 300/1500 mm
Magnification: 115xFilter: -
Field: 35'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.6
Visuality: IIHeight: 34°
Weather: +7°C
Description: Unfortunately the galaxy was on the brightest area in the sky and that made it pretty difficult and annoying because of low surface brightness. I even tried deepsky-, UHC- and O-III filters to improve the contrast, actually the UHC was the best. The spiral arms were visible variously with averted vision despite of the brightest HII-regions which were easy. SN2011fe was the brightest supernova I've ever seen on its 11th magnitude.
Updated: 14.4.2011 21:43
Name: Messier 101Other name: NGC 5457
RA: 14h 3.2m DEC: +54° 21'
Constellation: UMA
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 7.9
Size: 28.5' x 28.3'
Surface brightness: 14.9
Classification: SBc
Description: pB,vL,iR,g,vsmbM,BSN
Notes: P w NGC 5474,SN 1909,spir galax w one heavy arm,B knot E
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Base del Teide (2280m), Tenerife, Spain
Date: 19/20.4.2004 1:45
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 64xFilter: -
Field: 47'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 7
Visuality: IIHeight: 63°
Weather: +11°C, thin highclouds
Description: Low surface brightness but hints of spiral structure were easily in view with averted vision. Knots in W, NE and SE -areas.
Updated: 15.5.2004 13:02
Name: Messier 101Other name: NGC 5457
RA: 14h 3.2m DEC: +54° 21'
Constellation: UMA
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 7.9
Size: 28.5' x 28.3'
Surface brightness: 14.9
Classification: SBc
Description: pB,vL,iR,g,vsmbM,BSN
Notes: P w NGC 5474,SN 1909,spir galax w one heavy arm,B knot E
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Ahola, Joutseno, Finland
Date: 24/25.4.2003 1:10
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 146xFilter: -
Field: 21'Seeing: 1
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.2
Visuality: IIHeight: 81°
Weather: -5°, northern lights
Description: Uskomaton näky! Todella laajat ja avonaiset spiraalihaarat, joista erottui lukemattomia solmuja. Spiraalihaaroja näkyi laskutavasta riippuen kahdesta neljään. Kirkkain solmu on NGC 5447, joka on ytimestä 7' länteen. Aivan sen itäpuolella on ~13mag tähti. Toiseksi kirkkain solmu on NGC 5462, joka on puoleastaan 6' ytimestä itään. Näiden lisäksi näkyi ainakin seuraavat NGC:t 5458, 5453 ja 5449. Galaksin ''sisällä'' muutamia Linnunradan tähtiä.
Updated: 26.4.2003 17:23