Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 2997Other name: ESO 434-35
RA: 9h 45.6m DEC: -31° 11'
Constellation: ANT
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 9.4
Size: 9.2' x 6.6'
PA: 110°
Surface brightness: 13.7
Classification: SBc
Description: ! vF,vL,vgvsbMN 4",19s.5 d
Notes: H V 50
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: NOT (2390 m), La Palma, Spain
Date: 29/30.3.2008 23:30
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 95xFilter: -
Field: 43'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 1NE lim mag: 7.4
Visuality: IIHeight: 30°
Weather: +4°C, huminidy 27%, wind 16 m/s, seeing 0,8''
Description: A superb spiral-galaxy in Antlia. There are clear spiral arms visible on the southwest and northeast edge at 95x. The central area is pretty bright and NW-SE elongated.
Updated: 2.6.2008 19:03