Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: IC 3568Other name: PK 123+34.1
RA: 12h 33.1m DEC: +82° 34'
Constellation: CAM
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 11.6
Size: 18''
Surface brightness: 6.7
Brightest star: 12.9
Classification: 2(2a)
Description: planetary or neb *9.5,*13 p 15"
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Haakanala, Rautjärvi, Finland
Date: 9/10.4.2013 3:10
Instrument: Newton 457/2280 mm
Magnification: 914xFilter: -
Field: 4'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.7
Visuality: IHeight: 66°
Weather: -8°C
Description: An interesting planetary nebula. Stands well high magnification and in this time 914x was used. At first there is a round core area surrounded by fainter halo but after careful observing much more can be seen. The core area appears to be little bit box-like and there is a darker area in the middle of it. For some reason I didn't notice the central star which should be fairly bright.
Updated: 27.9.2013 22:00