Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: Messier 65Other name: NGC 3623
RA: 11h 18.9m DEC: +13° 5'
Constellation: LEO
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 9.3
Size: 9' x 2.3'
PA: 174°
Surface brightness: 12.8
Classification: SBa
Description: B,vL,mE 165,gbMBN
Notes: M66 subgroup
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Haakanala, Rautjärvi, Finland
Date: 2/3.4.2013 23:20
Instrument: Newton 457/2280 mm
Magnification: 326xFilter: -
Field: 14'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.8
Visuality: IHeight: 41°
Weather: -4°C
Description: SN2013am was fairly easily visible as a 16 mag star inside the southern spiral arm @ 326x. M65 has a beatiful spiral structure but it took some time to realize how it goes. There are larger brighter areas on the both heads whereas central area is more complicated. ~15 mag stars on the east and west side of the core.
Updated: 31.7.2013 0:00
Name: Messier 65Other name: NGC 3623
RA: 11h 18.9m DEC: +13° 5'
Constellation: LEO
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 9.3
Size: 9' x 2.3'
PA: 174°
Surface brightness: 12.8
Classification: SBa
Description: B,vL,mE 165,gbMBN
Notes: M66 subgroup
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Ahola, Joutseno, Finland
Date: 30/31.3.2000 0:30
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 32xFilter: -
Field: 93'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 6
Visuality: -Height: 0°
Weather: +2°
Description: Kaikki galaksit helppoja. NGC 3628 näkyi viivamaisena hehkuna ilman ydintä ja selviä päätepisteitä. M66:lla todella kirkas ydin.
Updated: 17.3.2003 16:24