Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 4668Other name: UGC 7931
RA: 12h 45.5m DEC: -0° 32'
Constellation: VIR
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 13.1
Size: 1.4' x 0.8'
PA: 5°
Surface brightness: 13.1
Classification: SBcd
Description: vF,S,iF
Notes: H III 663,NGC 4666 @ 7.3'
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Ania, Pirkkala, Finland
Date: 18/19.4.2009 23:45
Instrument: Newton 300/1500 mm
Magnification: 214xFilter: -
Field: 23'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 6.9
Visuality: IIIHeight: 28°
Weather: -6°C, gusts of wind
Description: Edge-on galaxy, almost stellar core with averted vision. NGC 4668: even brightness elliptical haze.
Updated: 16.8.2009 19:01