Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: PK 47+42.1 (Abell 39)Other name: Abell 39
RA: 16h 27.5m DEC: +27° 54'
Constellation: HER
Type: Planetary nebula
Magnitude: 12.9
Size: 174''
Brightest star: 15.8
Classification: 2c
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Haakanala, Rautjärvi, Finland
Date: 19/20.8.2010 0:30
Instrument: Newton 457/2280 mm
Magnification: 134xFilter: O-III
Field: 30'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 7
Visuality: VHeight: 32°
Weather: +7°C, astronomical twilight
Description: A faint arc-like nebula with an UHC and averted vision. The bright stars nearby made observation challenging. Stars have been drawn without the filter.
Updated: 28.9.2010 20:12