Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 7507 & NGC 7513Other name: ESO 469-19
RA: 23h 12.1m DEC: -28° 32'
Constellation: SCL
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 10.4
Size: 2.8' x 2.7'
Surface brightness: 12.5
Classification: Elliptical
Description: pB,cS,R,psvmbM,*10 np
Notes: H II 2
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Wicherina, Greenough, Australia
Date: 8/9.1.2010 21:05
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 115xFilter: -
Field: 43'Seeing: 4
Background sky: 1NE lim mag: 7.4
Visuality: IIIHeight: 22°
Weather: +18°C
Description: NGC 7507 is an obvious elliptical haze on the west. NGC 7513 is much fainter and visible only with averted vision.
Updated: 4.9.2010 22:12