Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: NGC 2903Other name: UGC 5079
RA: 9h 32.2m DEC: +21° 30'
Constellation: LEO
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 9
Size: 12' x 5.6'
PA: 17°
Surface brightness: 13.6
Classification: SBbc
Description: cB,vL,E,gmbM,r,sp of 2
Notes: H I 56,short B nucleus bar,fine multi arm spiral
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Härskiänsaari, Ruokolahti, Finland
Date: 9/10.3.2005 21:45
Instrument: Newton 406/1830 mm
Magnification: 244xFilter: -
Field: 12'Seeing: 2
Background sky: 3NE lim mag: 6.3
Visuality: IHeight: 50°
Weather: -15°C, strong northern wind
Description: This is one of the brightest non-Messier galaxies. Overview doesn't bare much, only the brightest parts are visible. The core is quite small, elongated and bright. There are brighter areas on the both ends of central bar: the southern one is a bit brighter and sharper. Spiral arms are difficult, but they are detectable with averted vision at 244x. Actually just inner arms are visible in these conditions.
Updated: 27.3.2005 13:20
Name: NGC 2903Other name: UGC 5079
RA: 9h 32.2m DEC: +21° 30'
Constellation: LEO
Type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 9
Size: 12' x 5.6'
PA: 17°
Surface brightness: 13.6
Classification: SBbc
Description: cB,vL,E,gmbM,r,sp of 2
Notes: H I 56,short B nucleus bar,fine multi arm spiral
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Lakasenpelto, Imatra, Finland
Date: 3/4.2.2000 0:30
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 54xFilter: -
Field: 47'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 4NE lim mag: 5
Visuality: -Height: 0°
Weather: -10°C
Description: Galaksilla diffuusi ydin, joka ei juuri erotunut sitä ympäröivästä halosta. Ellipsi pohjois-etelä suunnassa. Näkyi heikosti koska transparency oli surkea.
Updated: 18.2.2003 9:01