Iiro's DeepSky Sketches

Name: IC 2944Other name: Cr 249
RA: 11h 37.9m DEC: -63° 21'
Constellation: CEN
Type: Cluster + nebulosity
Magnitude: 4.5
Size: 60' x 35'
Number of stars: 30
Brightest star: 6.4
Classification: II 1 p n
Description: * 3.4 mag in vL neby
Notes: Lambda Cen Cl. in Cen OB2,neby descr: vL,F
Observer: Iiro Sairanen
Location: Wicherina, Greenough, Australia
Date: 18/19.12.2009 1:45
Instrument: Newton 110/805 mm
Magnification: 62xFilter: -
Field: 66'Seeing: 3
Background sky: 2NE lim mag: 7.2
Visuality: IHeight: 36°
Weather: +20°C, scattered clouds
Description: Running Chicken nebula didn't show any nebula but a nice figure of 8-10 mag stars were good in view.
Updated: 27.8.2010 23:09